The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has commissioned a study for the development of recyclability indexes for photovoltaic products (PV modules and inverters). 


This comprehensive study is conducted by Viegand Maagøe, in collaboration with Universidad de Murcia and Centro Nacional de Energias Renovables (CENER). This website serves as the primary information exchange platform between the study team, CINEA and the stakeholders. All the consultation documents and deliverables prepared in the context of this study will be made available through this website. Please register here for receiving updates and invitations to stakeholder meetings. 


Please note that the information and views expressed in this study are those of the consultants and do not necessarily represent the official opinion of CINEA, see further Disclaimer and Copyright information for this website.

What's new


23/09/2024: Parallel event at EU PVSEC: Ecodesign and Energy Label for PV Products: Present and Future. Parallel Events ( 


10/09/2024: Invitation to second stakeholder meeting to be hold on October 2024. Register for the meeting here.


12/2/2024: Slides from the first stakeholder meeting and a stakeholder commenting form are available here.


26/1/2024: Invitation to first stakeholder meeting to be held on 12 February 2024. Register for the meeting here.

Launch of the study.